Home Office Ergonomics
Are you concerned about their wellbeing, safety and productivity?
Creative Therapy Consultants can help by assessing your team members’ home workstations via secure telehealth platforms, providing them with temporary or permanent solutions to ensure prime comfort and productivity when working from home.
Our Occupational Therapist Kristin Peters has recently helped developed virtual ergonomic assessments and resources for Creative Therapy Consultants and has been featured on Global Okanagan News. Her passion for private practice work includes completing ergonomic workstation assessments, job site and job demands analyses, and providing workplace wellness education for clients with workplace injuries. Kirsten is currently working towards her Occupational Health and Safety Diploma with the University of Calgary to ensure she brings the best services and standards to her clients.
As featured on Global News:
“Preventing injury while working from home; how to set up your workstation for home office”

Creative Therapy Consultants can provide your team members with virtual home visits through a secure telehealth platform. We offer a variety of ergonomic consultation packages to assist with your team’s home-based workstations.
Home/Office Consultation:
One-hour assessment of a team member’s home office, complete with immediate options regarding remedial solutions and supportive instructions for an improved temporary home workstation.
Home/Office Consultation with Report/Support:
Two-hour assessment of a team member’s home office, complete with a written report highlighting researched equipment recommendations and supportive instructions for an improved temporary (or permanent) home workstation; a follow-up appointment is also provided seven business days after the report is released, to ensure all recommendations are meeting your team member’s needs.
Home/Office Seminars:
Online ergonomic education seminars for one or more team members – available in various formats, including “lunch and learn” sessions (30-minute presentations, weekly for three weeks) or a condensed one-time 90-minute session.
Educational topics covered in seminars:
Home computer workstation set-up
Office chair set-up (whether utilizing an ergonomic office chair or a standard kitchen chair)
Repetitive strain workstation injuries – prevention and precautions
Daily workstation stretches
Allow us to work with you – empowering your team to be their best in their home offices! Contact us to learn more or refer an employee or employees for a Home Office Ergonomic Assessment.